Dove Siamo-Associazione tra professionisti

English version

pipaThe Firm

Gronich & Zuccato business consulting firm was founded in 2018 by the aggregation of the professionalism of Mr. Daniele Gronich, chartered accountant since 1981 and certified public accountant since 1989, and of Mr. Massimo Zuccato, chartered accountant and certified public accountant since 2012.

The Firm also avails itself of a network of professionals and collaborators united by work, deontological and human affinities, with the aim of enhancing their skills and professional knowledge in favor of the customers.

Legal accounting consultancy in support of the entrepreneur or the management is based on many years of professional experience and knowledge of corporate, accounting and tax issues, as well as contract issues, company valuations and legal audits.

The experiences of the professionals of the Firm include activities such as auditor of companies and public bodies, technical advisor of the Judge or technical advisor of the part in the legal controversies, insolvency practitioner and commissioner or judicial liquidator in arrangement with creditors, advisor in the pre-trial phase, liquidator of company, extraordinary commissioner of public bodies.



     Associazione tra Professionisti

Vicolo Cieco San Pietro Incarnario, 7 – 37121 Verona

Tel + 39 045 8004444

Partita Iva 04535740239